Vision & Mission
of Heaven Earth Circle
Vision Statement:
Peace, Love, and Joy are Realized by Awakening to and Embodying the Truth that Heaven is already on Earth.
Mission Statement:
We are a private nonprofit spiritual association dedicated to the healing and awakening of all beings.
Ten Tenets for Membership:
What we stand for:
We nourish body, mind, and heart through authentic human connection and life-supporting practices in order to become fully alive in this body and world, right now.
We follow the perennial wisdom of the world's mystics that all testify to a common universal Truth that reality is a manifestation of Divine Love.
We work toward the evolution of humanity, beyond separation and violence.
We honor the uniqueness of each being and help each other discover our authenticity through walking our inner path, together.
We learn to see our world from a sacred perspective, to recognize how holy all life is, and to develop and navigate from our intuition, our inner compass.
We maintain that healing is a core aspect of our spiritual journey, and that, just as no one can walk our path for us, all healing comes from within.
We assert that social justice must include nonviolence, nondiscrimination and medical freedom.
We respect individual rights and privacy, as a functional collective is a manifestation of the spontaneous organization of happy, healthy, and free beings.
We welcome all to our ministry, if their heart resonates with what we stand for.
If you agree with the above statements, and feel called to join us, then please reach out to either Matthew or Hiromi to learn more: CONTACT US PAGE