Hiromi & Matthew’s
Beloved Teachers

Joel Morwood
Spiritual Director, Center for Sacred Sciences

Hiromi and Matthew became students of the gnostic Joel Morwood in 2005. In 2010, following a spiritual awakening under Joel’s guidance, Matthew began teaching at the Center for Sacred Sciences. Hiromi’s turn came after a 2016 spiritual crisis prompted her deep surrender into embodied awakeness. They both taught at the Center until the Pandemic prompted the formation of their own school for spiritual studies, Heaven Earth Circle, which they began with Joel’s blessing.


Hiromi and Matthew, pictured above, assisting at Joel’s 9-day Autumn silent meditation retreat, entitled Following Loves Camels. October, 2019.

Joel was a student of the great mystical philosopher and enlightened sage, Dr. Franklin Merrell-Wolff, before the latters death in 1986 at the age of 98. Matthew found Joel through a deep connection to Wolff’s writings, and we consider him our grandmaster. Wolff is pictured here in his study in the Eastern Sierra, above Lone Pine, CA at the Great Space Center.

Mo Zhicheng, Harrison Moretz
Taiji Master & Daoist Priest

Matthew and Hiromi became members and students at Zhi Cheng’s school, the Taoist Studies Institute, in Seattle, WA in 2001. Matthew was accepted as a formal indoor disciple in 2006 and continues advanced studies with his teacher. Zhi Cheng is a 2nd generation Hunyuan Taiji master and a Daoist priest and abbot of Xuan Xiu Gong, a Daoist mountain sanctuary in Washington state.


Matthew with Zhi Cheng and his teacher, Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang, founder of Hunyuan Taiji, as well as classmates of several generations of practitioners. This picture was taken during the formal discipleship ceremony in 2006, in Beijing, China.

Roshi Joan Halifax
Zen Buddhist Master & Author

Hiromi is a graduate of the Upaya Zen Institute’s rigorous two-year Buddhist Chaplaincy training program. She studied directly under Roshi Joan, Upaya Institute’s founder, Zen Buddhist Master and prolific author and teacher.


Robyn Michelle Jones
Master Healer and Teacher

Matthew studied Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy under Robyn Michelle for two years, completing the 13-module didactic and practical training in 2018. Robyn Michelle is a past-president of the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America and a master healer and teacher of many years experience. She lives and practices in Santa Cruz, CA.


Charles Ridley
Founder, Dynamic Stillness School

Charles Ridley is the founder of the Dynamic Stillness School, a non-doing approach to biodynamic cranial work, and post-biodynamic work, called Stillness Touch. Hiromi and Matthew completed a 50-hour private mentorship intensive with Charles in 2018. His work has greatly influenced Matthew and Hiromi’s approach to healing touch. He has published two seminal books on cranial work: Stillness, and Stillness Touch and teaches privately and in Europe. He is semi-retired and lives in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico.


Giorgia Milne
Founder, Touch of Presence School

Matthew and Hiromi completed the Touch of Presence Biodynamic Cranial Approach mentorship training with Giorgia in 2019. In 2018, Matthew assisted Giorgia with an initiatory training in Sydney, Australia. Giorgia travels the world extensively, teaching the practice of non-doing biodynamic cranial. She is also a certified teacher in the Diamond Approach. She is based in Berkeley, CA.
