Second Sunday Service in the Great Mother Sanctuary
Hiromi and Matt host a Sunday Service in the Great Mother Sanctuary on the second Sunday of each month.
The meeting entails some group chanting led by Hiromi, a short guided meditation, and a spiritual talk and discussion. We meet from 10AM to noon, followed by informal conversation for those interested in getting to know one another. Audio recordings of talks can be listened to and downloaded from our website on this page: Audios of Talks.
We welcome members and friends.
If you are interested in attending but are not yet a member, please contact us.
About the Great Mother Sanctuary
The Great Mother Sanctuary is our own shrine room, a sanctuary from the world, in which the Truth of Love can be practiced in private serenity. We are in awe seeing this beautiful sanctuary that was built by love. We are also happy to have had the helping hands of our teen children to complete this project. We are amazed at how we survived this ordeal as a family! The space was infused with light: all work was done by volunteers (except the drywall and mud) and we buried crystals in the engineered wood foundation as well as wrote sacred mantras and prayers behind the drywall on every wall. The Great Mother Sanctuary was built by the faith and dedication of our family and friends.
We invite you to join us here in practice.