Sacred Touch Mentorship Training
Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers About Sacred Touch
What is Sacred Touch?
Sacred Touch, Heaven Earth Circle's Sacred Healing Arts School style of Biodynamic Craniosacral Work, is a gentle touch modality that can make dramatic improvements to our well-being. It is based upon the tradition of osteopathy's biodynamic cranial work as well as meditative and contemplative methods from the world's wisdom traditions. The practitioner orients to the fundamental stillness of our innermost being, and reposing from this completely resourced position, touches the client in a series of spontaneous contacts. Each contact may last for many minutes and the entire session takes 30 to 60 minutes. Sacred Touch sessions can lead to profound states of consciousness, trauma and emotional release, and mental and physical integration. It is a bodywork method for spiritual development that promotes the process of integrating deep awareness of our sacred nature with our bodily experience.
Who Can Benefit from Sacred Touch?
Anyone with a body who is willing lie on a table and enter stillness can benefit from Sacred Touch. While a contemporary and powerful transmission, this work is not other than the ancient practice of laying on of hands, which is at least as old as midwifery. Touch is as integral to the human experience as breathing, and when combined with stillness, provides the most powerful and direct resource that we can offer one another. This being said, Sacred Touch is profoundly effective for two basic categories of people: First, for those seeking to release trauma and old emotional wounding, and second, for those seeking greater integration of higher consciousness with the experience of embodiment. In other words, those suffering from the lingering effects of trauma and those who are cultivating their spiritual nature will both find Sacred Touch highly effective and supportive to their life process.
How Does it Work?
The practitioner makes a daily habit of reposing in the stillness of our innermost being. Through dedicated practice, this habit becomes a deep core of abiding wisdom and love. From this core of stillness, through touch, our client's system is met being-to-being. This deep resonance generates a sympathetic vibratory entrainment with the forces that formed us as embryos – called the biodynamic forces, or the Breath of Life. These forces create, heal and maintain the body. By aligning consciously with these forces, anchored in stillness, both practitioner and client are rejuvenated. Healing occurs, but not through an act of will. Together we surrender to life as love. Through this process, traumatic energy stored in the body can be released as pure bio-energy, directly freeing the central nervous system, organs, and tissues from the lingering effects of past trauma. Simultaneously, we find that we access and experience deep states of consciousness that are our birthright, and the love, joy, peace, and serenity that we seek is found to be immanent within our ordinary awareness.
How is it Related to Craniosacral Therapy
Sacred Touch is a style of biodyanamic craniosacral work that engages with the formative forces which created us as embryos and which sustain us and all living things throughout life. Some other styles of craniosacral work do not engage these forces at all, and some styles of biodynamic work focus on the movement of these forces, rather than the stillness underlying them. In Sacred Touch, we recognize that all biodynamic forces arise from the stillness implicit in all movement. This stillness in relationship to material physical science may be likened to the zero-point field, or the quantum field substrate, out of which all particles which comprise matter emanate through quantum wave fluctuations. By tuning into this stillness, we serve as somewhat of an antenna and, through entrainment - the process of resonance between two electromagnetic entities - we assist our client in accessing their own innate wholeness. This process is profoundly relaxing and rejuvenating, and assists the body in all healing processes that it is undergoing.
Is It a Medical Intervention?
Unlike other styles of cranial work which focus on disharmony, this modality does not seek to locate, label, and intervene directly with any observed disease processes. This is because, in Sacred Touch, we orient to the whole of our being, which is always perfect, complete, and vital. Through resonating with the stillness and the biodynamic forces, specific disease processes may be addressed, or they may not. This decision is left up to the Breath of Life itself. The practitioner thus serves as a midwife for healing, not its architect. By being consciously present to the forces of life we are bearing witness to the miracle of embodiment, the pure love of life, similar to bearing witness to the miracle of childbirth.
Why Do We Love Sacred Touch?
We love Sacred Touch because it is love embodied. By touching from the place of wisdom and stillness we are physically expressing the divine love that creates this world and our bodies. This very same love is what heals us and guides us onward towards our personal destinies, including our spiritual development and awakening. By being with others in this deep and meaningful way we feel enlivened, deeply nourished, and humbled by the sheer awesomeness of life. It is an honor and privilege to serve in this way.
Who Is Qualified to Study Sacred Touch?
Anyone with a good heart and good hands, who isn't afraid of touching and breathing with others, and who is called to both deep meditation and loving service is qualified to study Sacred Touch. Our training programs are kept small and intimate, and we have an applications process to make sure that prospective students are a good fit with the culture and mission of Heaven Earth Circle. Generally, more mature spiritual practitioners are able to connect to the style of non-doing inherent in Sacred Touch. Those who feel the call are invited to inquire further.
Questions & Answers about our Mentorship Training
What is a Mentorship Training?
Sacred Touch Biodynamic Craniosacral Work is a profound modality for directly accessing and harmonizing with the source of life and health itself, the Breath of Life. Fundamentally, this is an inner-focused approach to healing touch work. As such, it is not primarily a set of techniques, holds, and anatomical knowledge, although all of these features are included. It is also not at all a method of visualizations, effortful energetic intentions, or philosophical positions. Our philosophical position is fundamentally nonduality, which is the unspeakable assertion of the mystics of all the great religious traditions throughout the ages. As such, what we experience in the depths of Sacred Touch work exposes a Truth that passes understanding, goes beyond philosophy, and feels like Perfect Love.
This modality of healing work is fundamentally unspeakable. It cannot be taught, but it can be caught, as our teacher Charles Ridley put it. Therefore mentorship is required to share the transmission. This process often takes time, although the essence can be caught in an instant. In order to facilitate the process of transmission of Sacred Touch, we offer a year-long program with 22 full classroom days as well as outside-of-class spiritual guidance to navigate the challenges that arise as we become more embodied and surrendered to the stillness at the heart of life's movements.
Will I get Enlightened through this Program?
Eventually we all return to conscious unity with our spiritual source, which is not other than the very ordinary consciousness that we all have at all times. However, due to conditioning we continuously overlook the bare fact that everything arises in our own consciousness, including space, time, beings, suffering, and bliss. All is our own face. This training gives participants the tools to be with whatever arises, thus expediting the spiritual path by allowing all of life to be our teacher.
Sacred Touch work is definitely, from the perspective of a gradual path progression, an advanced method. It requires the sublimation of lower instinctual drives, the surrender of the personal will force, the opening to profound spaciousness beyond concepts, and the repose in dynamic stillness, all while cultivating heart-felt compassionate intention to benefit all beings. Therefore this practice is of great benefit to anyone on the path, as long as they are called to place their hands for healing and resonate with the principles and tenets of Heaven Earth Circle's community of practitioners.