Heaven Earth Circle teacher Matthew Sieradski demonstrates the Hunyuan Taiji Jian or straight-sword form at the Oregon Asian Celebration, July 29th, 2023, in Eugene, Oregon.
The straight sword or “jian” in Chinese is considered to cultivate spirit. The sword that Matt is using in this demonstration is forged using a traditional sanmai (three layer) construction and the edge is razor sharp. We must be very alert to safely handle such a blade!
Heaven Earth Circle teacher Matthew Sieradski and students demonstrate elements of Hunyuan Qigong, the Hunyuan Taiji 24-form, Cheng-style Bagua Zhang inner palms and eight palm changes, and some Bagua Zhang and Taiji Quan push-hands patterns. Performers include senior students Ashby Klenk and Aaron Cole. This demonstration was at the Oregon Asian Celebration, July 29th, 2023, in Eugene, Oregon.